📄️ Add Time Interval
Add time interval function
Adds the time interval or date interval to the provided date or date with time.
Subtracts the time interval or date interval from the provided date or date with time.
Truncates a date, time, or timestamp value to a specified precision. For example, if you truncate 2022-07-07 to MONTH, the result will be 2022-07-01; if you truncate 2022-07-07 0101.123456 to SECOND, the result will be 2022-07-07 0101.000000.
📄️ NOW
Returns the current date and time.
📄️ Subtract Time Interval
Subtract time interval function
📄️ time_slot
Rounds the time to the half hour.
Returns the timezone for the current connection.
📄️ to_month
Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the month number (1-12).
Returns current date.
📄️ to_day_of_month
Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the day of the month (1-31).
📄️ to_day_of_week
Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the day of the week (Monday is 1, and Sunday is 7).
📄️ to_day_of_year
Converts a date or date with time to a UInt16 number containing the number of the day of the year (1-366).
📄️ to_hour
Converts a date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the hour in 24-hour time (0-23).
📄️ to_minute
Converts a date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the minute of the hour (0-59).
📄️ to_monday
Rounds down a date or date with time to the nearest Monday.
Returns tomorrow date, same as today() + 1.
📄️ to_second
Converts a date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the second in the minute (0-59).
📄️ to_start_of_day
Rounds down a date with time to the start of the day.
📄️ to_start_of_fifteen_minutes
Rounds down the date with time to the start of the fifteen-minute interval.
📄️ to_start_of_five_minutes
Rounds down a date with time to the start of the five-minute interval.
📄️ to_start_of_hour
Rounds down a date with time to the start of the hour.
📄️ to_start_of_iso_year
Returns the first day of the ISO year for a date or a date with time.
📄️ to_start_of_minute
Rounds down a date with time to the start of the minute.
📄️ to_start_of_month
Rounds down a date or date with time to the first day of the month.
📄️ to_start_of_quarter
Rounds down a date or date with time to the first day of the quarter.
📄️ to_start_of_second
Rounds down a date with time to the start of the second.
📄️ to_start_of_ten_minutes
Rounds down a date with time to the start of the ten-minute interval.
📄️ to_start_of_week
Returns the first day of the year for a date or a date with time.
📄️ to_start_of_year
Returns the first day of the year for a date or a date with time.
📄️ to_year
Converts a date or date with time to a UInt16 number containing the year number (AD).
📄️ to_yyyymm
Converts a date or date with time to a UInt32 number containing the year and month number.
📄️ to_yyyymmdd
Converts a date or date with time to a UInt32 number containing the year and month number (YYYY 10000 + MM 100 + DD).
📄️ to_yyyymmddhhmmss
Converts a date or date with time to a UInt64 number containing the year and month number (YYYY 10000000000 + MM 100000000 + DD 1000000 + hh 10000 + mm * 100 + ss).
Returns yesterday date, same as today() - 1.